I knew that I wanted a style of Celtic circle, round, without points. Late one afternoon I decided to look on a different search engine and to my delight, there it was! The perfect representation of Connect Release Heal.
The Celtic circle’s movement is continuous from one part of the circle to the next, and on to the next; no beginning, no end.
This is how the process feels to me:
Connect – to join, link, unite, or attach;
to show or think of as related; associate
During therapy, as my hands connect with your skin and slowly melt into your soft tissues, I am led to areas of tension, limited movement, and the source of your pain.
Release – to free something that
has been contained or confined within
The therapies I use stimulate your body’s soft tissues to release and unwind the restrictions that have been stuck, trapped, or locked within.
Heal – to make healthy, whole, or sound;
restore to health; free from ailment
Healing is a process and it continues over a period of time as the body, mind, spirit, and emotions adapt to a new normal.
Would you like to experience the possibilities of Connect Release Heal?
To learn more, please visit Craniosacral Therapy and Scar Release Therapy
Please contact Lora now