What is the price for a session of CranioSacral Therapy and/or Scar Release Therapy?

The same rate applies for CranioSacral Therapy, Scar Release Therapy, or a combination of the two:

$100.00 per hour  

(first five (5) miles included; add $1.00 for each additional/portion mile of travel, calculated from Advent Hospital in Tavares)


What is fascia?
What are restrictions?FAQs
How do restrictions occur?
How can I tell if I have restrictions in my body?
What conditions does CranioSacral Therapy treat?
What is the CranioSacral System?


What is fascia?

Considered a type of connective tissue, it is a continuous, three-dimensional web extending from your head to your toes, without interruption. Fascia literally connects each and every cell in your body to the next cell.

Fascia is such a fine mesh that it suspends all of your body’s fluids (we have approximately 70% water.)

It is also an electrical and communication system, separate and distinct from the central nervous system.

Scientists refer to fascia as “the living matrix” as it affects every other system of the body.
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What are restrictions?

Restrictions are areas of injury within your connective tissue, known as fascia, that negatively impact not only the immediate site, but in time, restrictions have far-reaching effects throughout the entire body.

In addition, restrictions can reduce the flow and absorption of blood and other fluids; compress or pinch nerves; place stress on bones, especially at the spine and joints; decrease or constrict movement and flexibility; and adversely influence the brain and central nervous system.
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How do restrictions occur?

Chronic stress, physical injuries, emotional trauma, and infections can cause fascia to stick and bind together. These bound up areas are called restrictions, as they literally limit or restrain the movement and pliability of your muscles and other soft tissues.

Due to restrictions, your body is unable to function as it was designed to. However, your body will make every effort to operate by making necessary compensations.

Over time, as your body continues to compensate, the effects of the restrictions expand and result in dysfunction (impaired or abnormal functioning) in other areas of your body. This is how the injury/inflammation/chronic pain cycle starts, and may lead to the disease process.
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How can I tell if I have restrictions in my body?

Some of the more common signs include:

• decreased range of motion
• chronic numbness and tingling
• chronic aches and pains
• a sensation of twisting or binding within the body
• one leg is longer/shorter
• one shoulder is higher/lower
• a limb or area of the body may be heavier, tighter, denser, or larger than the opposite side
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What conditions may be treated by CranioSacral Therapy?

• ADD/ADHD/Learning Disabilities
• Anxiety/stress
• Cancer/chemotherapy to reduce side effects and anxiety
• Chronic back and neck pain
• Fibromyalgia
• Migraines, headaches, and sinus problems
• Neurological disorders
• Orthopedic problems
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
• TMJ syndrome
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What is the CranioSacral System?

In 1971, John E. Upledger, osteopathic physician and surgeon, had a patient whose skin on his feet was turning black, deeply cracked and peeling. A calcium plaque was discovered on the external (dura) membrane layer of his spinal cord.

As the assisting surgeon, Dr. Upledger was unable to hold the dura membrane still because of its continuous, back and forth motion. This movement had never before been witnessed by any of the doctors or nurses.

Dr. Upledger’s curiosity led to years of research and identification of the craniosacral system that consists of the soft tissues, membranes, and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. These membranes line the inner surface of the bones of the cranium (head) and extend all the way down through the spine and attach to the sacrum (lower part of the back just above the tailbone).

The function of the cerebrospinal fluid is to protect the brain and spinal cord from trauma, deliver nutrients to the central nervous system, and remove waste products from the brain and spinal cord, thus detoxifying the environment of the nervous system.

As the body produces cerebrospinal fluid, a rhythmic motion is produced. This rhythm is most easily felt on the head or sacrum but can be palpated anywhere on the body. CranioSacral therapists use this rhythm as a tool for evaluation. A diminished symmetry, quality, amplitude, or rate in the rhythm indicates a restriction within the body’s connective tissue, known as fascia.
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To learn more, please visit CranioSacral Therapy and Scar Release Therapy